Overnight trips
Check the website for the most up-to-date information on all TBN overnight trips. Three more great Summer/Fall weekend trips await you.
Sep. 11-13 Wolf Den - Sold out
A great weekend to cycle, hike or canoe near Alqonquin Park. This is a popular TBN winter destination, now sold out, but to get on the wait list, contact wolfden@tbn.ca. _______________
October 9-12
Thanksgiving Weekend in Prince Edward County

Registration is now closed. However there is one spot for a single woman to share with another woman, one spot for a single man to share with another man and one room for a couple. Contact Brenda asap to book these last remaining spots.
Three winter trips are currently being planned, details to come
Contact Jean at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN.
No, Summer is not over!
After a weekend of 30+ temps, who can say summer is over....not us. Lots of great cycling day trips and adventures are still available to you through September and into the Fall period. See sidebar to the right and keep checking tbn.ca for all activities.
TBN Education Program - Cool Weather Cycling - Sept. 24
The Education program continues this Fall with a (heck, something we don't really want to talk about yet, but its inevitable) riding in cold weather. Learn how to dress appropriately from a long-time TBN member who rides every day of the year. Sign up here please.
Meet Canadian Cycling Legend Jocelyn Lovell - Sept. 26
Ride from High Park to Jocelyn Lovell’s home in Port Credit. Jocelyn will speak from the heart: what inspired him to start cycling; what motivated him; how was he influenced by other cyclists; what Canadian cycling was like during the sixties and seventies, and more.
After an illustrious career including medals in numerous events and several Olympic appearances, Jocelyn’s career was cut short due to an accident with a dump truck in 1983.
Please note; this is a paid event; all proceeds will be donated to the Spinal Cord Society and TBN will also match all donations.
Registration for this event will open any day now.
Ride with GPS for Club Members
We are thrilled to announce that TBN now has a Club account with Ride With GPS! That means that all TBN members can enjoy the full features that Ride With GPS (RWGPS) offers, without paying for an account. All you need to do is click on this link, and follow the instructions. If you already have an RWGPS account, you're good to go. If you do not have an account, it takes about a minute to set-up a free account.

As long as the ride is listed in the TBN Club section, you will get the following benefits:
1) One-click loading of the route to your Garmin device.
2) Customize the layout and font-size of the cue sheet PDF to the way you like it.
3) Get turn-by-turn directions from the mobile app on your iPhone or select Android smartphones.
4) RSVP to rides
If you have any questions, please contact Joey at tourist@tbn.ca. Remember, to get these benefits, click on this link.
Fall Quick Release Coming Soon
Check the website for the summer issue of Quick Release, our thrice yearly wrap-up of all things TBN. A downloadable version is here, and on the home page of the TBN website. The Fall issue will be available on the TBN website in Mid September, and will be mailed to those who opted in for a printed copy.
Safety Tip of The Week
Every Chain of Events will feature one safety tip: for this edition: RIDING AT NIGHT
Always ride with proper lighting. Attach a white front light that must be visible at least 150 metres away and a red light to be placed on your bike's back side.
As per new regulations, your bike is supposed to have reflective safety tape: two 250mm long by 25mm wide white strips on the front forks and two red strips on the back stays. The new provincial fine is $110.00 for not having proper lighting, which includes reflective strips. See TBN partner Reflx for great ideas on reflective strips.
If possible, it is highly suggested to make yourself more visible by wearing clothing that has reflective material on it, such as a high-visibility vest, or bicycling jacket. It will make you "Be Seen."
Be more careful as potholes and other road objects are harder to see at night. Give more room to the people in front of you because braking response time is less than in the daytime. With a 100 lumen white light or higher, you will be able to see the road surface at night.
Join the TBN Board of Directors
Three board directors are stepping down thereby creating extremely rewarding opportunities for members to assume those roles. They are President, Co-Treasurer and Overnight Trips Director. Should you wish to be nominated for any of these roles, or wish to nominate an existing TBN member, then please contact president@tbn.ca. Job descriptions will soon be posted on the TBN website (this link may not be live yet, try again in a few days). Deadline to apply is September 30.
Should you wish to volunteer in any other non-board capacity, please contact president@tbn.ca.
Updated TBN ConstitutionThis is a reminder of an email issued to current members (excluding lapsed) on August 31 that the TBN constitution has been revised for the first time in many years. If you wish to study the changes in more detail, you can review both the existing version and the revised draft on the TBN website under About TBN/Constitution. You must be logged in under your member account to view the revised draft. 
Please send any comments or concerns to president@tbn.ca before September 29, 2015, on which date the board is meeting to review member comments and amend as required. The new Constitution will be motioned for approval at the next AGM in November of 2015.
Please keep in mind that your board - all volunteers - took the initiative of updating this document and spent a tremendous number of hours reviewing, debating, and ultimately composing the wording. Jean O'Grady in particular invested a great deal of her personal time to consolidate the board's thinking on this before issuing to a lawyer for final wording. A note of appreciation along with your comments would be most appreciated by our board volunteers.
TBN Cycling Jersey Sales Temporarily SuspendedSorry to report that you are unable to order jerseys at this time. We require a minimum order of 10 garments of any style and size for a production run. We will re-open sales at the AGM in November, at which time we will provide a "fit-kit" for those that wish to order jerseys in time for the 2016 season.
TBN Day Ski/Snowshoe Program SuspendedAfter many years of declining attendance and running this program at a loss, the ski/snowshoe day program will be suspended for 2016. However, should someone wish to revive or re-invent the program, please contact info@tbn.ca with subject line "Ski Program".
Remember to re-visit the TBN website before you head out in case your activity is cancelled on short notice. Ride coordinators will always put safety first and cancel a ride if weather conditions pose a danger.
You can also check the ride schedule on your smartphone at www.tbn.ca/mobile.
You do not have to sign up for rides. Just show up at the start point and show your membership card to the ride leader.
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up.