No Drop Country Rides

Enjoy Country Rides at a slow pace without worrying about getting dropped!   We always watch for each other even though there are hills!

Upcoming Rides


  • Purpose of No-Drop Country Ride is recreational and social rather than athletic.  Our major focus is to enjoy the scenery, visit places with frequent stops and breaks to take pictures or just rest to take it all in.  

  • Owing to the non-rush nature of this ride, a typical no-drop country ride will generally last almost a full day.  

  • Small group size: we are limiting no. of riders to 8.  Guest riders are welcome.

  • Start time: varies according to weather 

  • Dinner venue: will be arranged when a long ride occurs 

  • Terrains:  some hills.  Road or hybrid bikes are strongly recommended.  Regrouping is mandatory at the top of big hills, major intersections, all turns and traffic lights.

  • Registration: by email only to


  We love to explore.  Please help make our rides even more interesting and share you ideas for new routes and places to visit.   Contact the No-Drop coordinator, at


NO-DROP RIDERS :      intermediate level "No-Drop Country Riders" who can ride some hills at the same time want to relax and ride longer distance (45 to 70km) with a group outside the city at a typical speed of 14 to 18kph on flat. 

  • No-Drop Riders must be team players willing to make every effort to depart, ride, and return together as a group (no riding far ahead beyond 0.4km).  Strong riders must reduce their pace to accommodate slower riders within reason.
  • Helmets are mandatory, bring spare inner tubes, check your bike in advance to ensure no mechanical issues, bring enough water to prepare for a slow long ride under the sun, bring snacks to share during snack breaks.

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Do you want to receive alerts about No Drop Country Ride events?  Register your email address here.

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