POSTPONED until Thursday. Severe wind gusts predicted.
You must be registered in order to join the ride.
If you need to cancel please do so by Monday at 12 PM so that someone on the waitlist may take your spot.
Remember: Helmet, Spare Inner Tube
A one-way ride that takes a shortcut from Finch subway station to Kennedy station using the Finch Hydro Trail, East Don Parkland and Gatineau Hydro Trail.
Start: 10:30 a.m. Finch subway Park and Ride- Hendon Ave., West of Yonge
Arrive at 10:15 AM, 15 minutes before the start of the ride so that you will not keep your group waiting- (Allow for TTC delay, parking problems, getting your bike ready, using the washroom, etc.)
This ride may be cancelled due to inclement weather. Notification of cancellation will appear after 8:30 AM.
RWGPS: Click Here
Cuesheet: Finch_to_Kennedy 3.pdf
Dist: 24 km
Leader: Dinsmore
We are accepting Guest rider registration.
If you have not registered for the ride, you may NOT join the ride.
Contents Copyright © The Toronto Bicycling Network Inc.