How to cancel My Event registration

Cancelling a "Free for TBN Members" registration

If the event has been cancelled by TBN (for example due to inclement weather), you do not need to cancel your registration. If you are cancelling and the Event is still scheduled, do the following:

  1. Log into the website using your email address and TBN password
  2. Go to the event you need to cancel (Find it on UPCOMING EVENTS, or the Calendar, etc).
  3. Click on the link "Already registered", next to the Register button.  

If this is not visible, either you are not logged in to the TBN website (see #1 above), you are not actually registered (did you choose the correct Event?) or the event has already started. 
4. Click on     Cancel registration   
    Note: you may not cancel a registration for an event that is in the past. 
    Cancelling a Guest Rider Registration 

     Follow the steps above. In addition, send an email to to arrange for a refund of your Non-member registration fee.

    Cancelling a Registration for Overnight Trips, Cyclon, etc.

    Overnight trips cancellation and waitlist management is performed manually. Send an email to the trip coordinator indicating your wish to cancel your registration, to arrange for a cancellation and your refund per club policy. The trip coordinator email address will be listed on the event description.

    Cancelling your Spot on an Event's Waitlist 

    If you are on the Waitlist for an Event, and you want to remove yourself from that Waitlist, send an email to the Program Coordinator for the event. The email contact information for each Program is listed on the Program's description page. For example, Tuesday Ravine Rides page includes the contact email The Program Coordinator will remove your entry from the Waitlist.